
These terms and conditions govern your use 我们的网站. 请 read the terms in full before you use this website. 如果你 do not accept these terms, please do not use this website. Using the website implies that you accept these terms. 我们更新 these terms so please refer back to them in the future.

1. 网站访问


2. 网站的使用

-您可出于个人目的使用本网站,并可打印和下载本网站提供的资料 that you do not modify 任何 content without our consent. Material on this website must not be republished online or offline 没有我们的允许.

-本网站所有资料的版权及其他知识产权均属我们或我们的许可人及 must not be reproduced without our prior consent.

-以第2款为准.1, no part of this website may be reproduced without our prior written permission.

3. 网站正常运行时间

- We take all reasonable steps to ensure that this website is available 24 hours every day, 一年365天. 然而, websites do sometimes encounter downtime due to server and, other technical issues. 因此,如果发生这种情况,我们将不负责任 网站在任何时候都不可用.

- This website may be temporarily unavailable due to issues such as system failure, 维护或修理或出于某种原因 我们无法控制. 在可能的情况下,我们将尽量提前警告我们的访客的维修问题,但不应该 有义务这样做.

4. 游客的行为

- With the exception of personally identifiable information, the use of which is covered under our 隐私政策, 任何 您发送或张贴到本网站的材料将被视为非专有和非机密. 除非你建议 相反,我们可以自由地复制, 披露, 分发, incorporate and otherwise use such material for 任何 and all 目的.

- When using this website you shall not post or send to or from this website 任何 material:

  1. for which you have not obtained all necessary consents;
  2. 这是歧视性的, 淫秽, 色情, 诽谤, 容易煽动种族仇恨的, 违反保密规定 或隐私, which may cause annoyance or inconvenience to others, which encourages or constitutes conduct that would be 被视为刑事犯罪, 引起民事责任, 或其他wise is contrary to the law in 百慕大; and
  3. 哪些在本质上是有害的, 没有限制, 计算机病毒, 特洛伊木马, 破损的数据, 或其他 可能有害的软件或数据.

-我们将充分合作,并遵守任何监管机构或法院命令,要求我们披露身份或 other details of 任何 person posting material to this website in breach of the terms of use.

5. 与其他网站的链接

-本网站所提供的任何指向第三方网站的链接仅供您方便使用. 我们还没有复习 对第三方网站或其内容概不负责. 我们不赞同 third-party websites and visiting a third party website linked to or from this website, 风险由你自己承担.

-如果你想链接到这个网站, you may only do so on the basis that you link to, 但不要复制, 任何 page on this website, and subject to the following conditions:

  • 您不以任何方式暗示我们是认可任何服务或产品,除非这已明确 同意我们的意见;
  • 您没有歪曲您与我们的关系或提供任何关于我们的虚假信息;
  • you do not link from a website that is not owned by you; and
  • your website does not contain content that is offensive, 有争议的, 侵犯任何知识产权或 other rights of 任何 other person or does not comply in 任何 way with the law in 百慕大.

- 如果你 choose to link to our website in breach of the terms of use, you fully indemnify us for 任何 loss or damage suffered 因为你的行为.

6. 网站免责声明

- We take all reasonable steps to ensure that the information on this website is correct. 但是,我们不能保证 correctness or completeness of material on this website. We may make changes to the material on this website at 任何 time and 不另行通知. The material on this website may be out of date, or on rare occasions incorrect and we make no commitment to ensure that such material is correct or up to date.

-本网站提供的资料不附带任何条件或任何形式的保证. 在允许的最大范围内 由法律规定, we provide access and use of this website on the basis that we exclude all representations, 保证和条件 which but for these Terms may have effect in relation to this website.

-本网站提供的所有内容均基于我们认为可靠的信息,并应被理解为 仅提供一般信息. 所有的案例研究和例子都是针对客户或事件的独特情况 然后就在手边. 任何评论不应被视为针对任何个别情况的建议,也不能被视为建议 依此而定. 澳门新葡新京在线不提供精算服务, 会计, 税, or legal advice and users of the website are advised to consult their own advisors with respect to such matters.

- Services provided by Kane will vary by domicile. Nothing on this website is intended to nor 应 construed as an offer 在澳门新葡新京在线未被授权或法律法规禁止的情况下提供服务 澳门新葡新京在线是主体.

-澳门新葡新京在线可以与其网站上列出的“合作伙伴”实体发展业务关系. 但是,建议您在 在这种情况下,每个“合伙人”都是独立于澳门新葡新京在线的法律实体,对业务全权负责 它进行. 澳门新葡新京在线不提供任何保证,也不对每个人提供的产品或服务承担任何责任.

7. 责任排除

- Neither we nor 任何 other party (whether or not involved in producing, 维护或提供本网站), 应 对因您或其使用而可能给您或第三方造成的任何损失或损害承担责任 我们的网站. This exclusion shall include servicing or repair costs and, 但不限于, 任何其他直接, 间接 或相应的损失,以及与本网站有关的侵权行为或合同或其他方面.

- Nothing in these Terms shall exclude or limit liability for:

  • death or personal injury caused by negligence;
  • 欺诈;
  • misrepresentation as to a fundamental matter; or
  • 任何 liability which cannot be excluded or limited under the law of 百慕大.

8. 管理管辖

-这些条款和条件应受百慕大法律管辖并根据百慕大法律进行解释. 发生的任何争议 与条款和条件有关的事项受百慕大法院的专属管辖权管辖.

9. 全球电子邮件免责声明

The following disclaimer is provided in connection with emails sent by individuals from the shengmeiting.net or kane-group.com 地址:

This email is from a comp任何 that forms part of the Kane group of 公司. “Kane” or the “Kane Group” refers to a group of 在下文“我们的详细信息”一节中所述的注册地建立和经营的独立公司. 我们的 corporate structure, licensure and contact details are set forth t在这里 as well.

本邮件及附件中包含的信息是保密的,可能有特权. 如果你不是 收件人,我们要求您销毁此邮件并立即通知发件人. 你不应该保留,抄袭 或将此电子邮件用于任何目的,也不要将其全部或任何部分内容透露给任何其他人.

Be advised that 任何 views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, 除了它们的具体位置 and officially designated as the views of Kane.

Kane监控通过其网络发送和接收的电子邮件内容,以防止未经授权的使用和其他合法业务 目的. We take all reasonable measures to minimise the risk of viruses and similar malware, 然而, 如电子邮件的使用 and its transmission is susceptible to interception or error, we recommend that you and/or your organization scan all 针对此类威胁的接收电子邮件. Further information about Kane may be found at shengmeiting.net.

10. 我们的细节和重要信息

澳门新葡新京在线澳门新葡新京在线解决方案系指澳门新葡新京在线集团的附属公司实体,它们各自在世界各地的司法管辖区进行授权的各种商业活动. 澳门新葡新京在线的解决方案 is not itself a legal entity or a partnership.

澳门新葡新京在线LPI控股有限公司, 通过其子公司, provides certain fund and third-party administration services to 公司. 澳门新葡新京在线LPI控股有限公司 is incorporated in 百慕大 under registration number 52616.

The Kane entities and corporate details are as follows:

哈密尔顿HM 11号维多利亚街1号
P.O. 盒HM 3033,汉密尔顿HM NX,

c / o Ocorian,
汉密尔顿HM 10,

The Board of Directors of Kane LPI 解决方案 Limited:
——约翰·乌普里查德 (集团首席执行官),
——纳西索·阿尔梅达 (副总裁),
- Graziella Vella (行动组主管),
——阿兰·富尼耶 (基金行政主管)

*Kane LPI 解决方案 Limited获百慕达金融管理局授权经营基金管理供应商业务及企业服务供应商业务.

Kane LPI 解决方案 (马耳他) Limited*,
Zebbug ZBG 9015;

*Kane LPI 解决方案 (马耳他) Limited受MFSA监管,为认可基金管理人. 请 点击 在这里 for Important Information in connection with Kane LPI 解决方案 (马耳他)有限公司及其提供的服务.

Zebbug ZBG 9015;



Ebene CyberCity,


T: +441-295-8448,
E: (电子邮件保护)

哈密尔顿HM 11号维多利亚街1号
P.O. 百慕大汉密尔顿HM NX号HM 3033号箱


Kane endeavours at all times to conduct its business with integrity, 完全透明, 以这样一种方式来对待它 客户很. If 任何 client has a query in this regard or wishes to register a complaint, 它可以直接提交给院长 Fund Administration, 金伯兰大厦4楼 哈密尔顿HM 11号维多利亚街1号 P.O. 盒HM 3033,汉密尔顿HM NX, 百慕大. Alternatively, we may be reached via email in this regard at (电子邮件保护). 流程到位是为了 确保任何此类信件将得到妥善处理和及时处理.